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夜用スーパー 南インド「Eco Femme」布ナプキン 洗えるオーガニックコットン(ブロックプリント・肌面無漂白)防水あり・内側に7層のフランネル使用 /Super Comfy Pad - limited edition

夜用スーパー 南インド「Eco Femme」布ナプキン 洗えるオーガニックコットン(ブロックプリント・肌面無漂白)防水あり・内側に7層のフランネル使用 /Super Comfy Pad - limited edition

●長さ:32cm、幅:10.5 cm~11.5 cm (スナップを閉じた状態)

●Pad for Pad とは

1 pad per pack
Our limited edition Super Comfy pad has been designed to meet the repeated requests for a longer and a wider pad. This pad has seven inner layers just like our Night Pad, however the increased dimensions may offer more comfort and confidence for those with a very heavy flow. It may also be used as a postpartum pad for women who have just delivered a baby. This pad also features double press stud buttons to make sure it stays securely in place on your underwear.
This is special edition pad, so if this pad sounds like the pad for you, make sure to grab one while they are still available!

Size Details:
Length: 32 cm ; Width (button fastened): 10.5 cm/ 11.5 cm ; Width (wing to wing); 22.5 cm

* With every Night Pad you purchase, you contribute 1 cloth pad for a girl in India through Eco Femme's Pad for Pad programme.
*The product comes with a care leaflet. Click to learn 'How to wash wash my cloth pad?(https://ecofemme.org/how-to-wash-cloth-pads-part-1/)' and view our FAQ(https://ecofemme.org/faq/) for more use and care tips.

●長さ:32cm、幅:10.5 cm~11.5 cm (スナップを閉じた状態)

●Pad for Pad とは

1 pad per pack
Our limited edition Super Comfy pad has been designed to meet the repeated requests for a longer and a wider pad. This pad has seven inner layers just like our Night Pad, however the increased dimensions may offer more comfort and confidence for those with a very heavy flow. It may also be used as a postpartum pad for women who have just delivered a baby. This pad also features double press stud buttons to make sure it stays securely in place on your underwear.
This is special edition pad, so if this pad sounds like the pad for you, make sure to grab one while they are still available!

Size Details:
Length: 32 cm ; Width (button fastened): 10.5 cm/ 11.5 cm ; Width (wing to wing); 22.5 cm

* With every Night Pad you purchase, you contribute 1 cloth pad for a girl in India through Eco Femme's Pad for Pad programme.
*The product comes with a care leaflet. Click to learn 'How to wash wash my cloth pad?(https://ecofemme.org/how-to-wash-cloth-pads-part-1/)' and view our FAQ(https://ecofemme.org/faq/) for more use and care tips.

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●長さ:32cm、幅:10.5 cm~11.5 cm (スナップを閉じた状態)

●Pad for Pad とは

1 pad per pack
Our limited edition Super Comfy pad has been designed to meet the repeated requests for a longer and a wider pad. This pad has seven inner layers just like our Night Pad, however the increased dimensions may offer more comfort and confidence for those with a very heavy flow. It may also be used as a postpartum pad for women who have just delivered a baby. This pad also features double press stud buttons to make sure it stays securely in place on your underwear.
This is special edition pad, so if this pad sounds like the pad for you, make sure to grab one while they are still available!

Size Details:
Length: 32 cm ; Width (button fastened): 10.5 cm/ 11.5 cm ; Width (wing to wing); 22.5 cm

* With every Night Pad you purchase, you contribute 1 cloth pad for a girl in India through Eco Femme's Pad for Pad programme.
*The product comes with a care leaflet. Click to learn 'How to wash wash my cloth pad?(https://ecofemme.org/how-to-wash-cloth-pads-part-1/)' and view our FAQ(https://ecofemme.org/faq/) for more use and care tips.
インドの布ナプキンのお店 MAKHANA