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軽い日〜夜用(防水あり)7枚+トラベルポーチセット 肌面:無漂白フランネル/Full Cycle Kit - Natural Organic

軽い日〜夜用(防水あり)7枚+トラベルポーチセット 肌面:無漂白フランネル/Full Cycle Kit - Natural Organic
Full Cycle Kit - Natural Organic



The Global Organic Textile Standard(GOTS)とは、

●Pad for Pad とは

8 pieces per pack

The “Full Cycle” kit contains what you basically need for your monthly cycle.

It is a great way of discovering the world of washable cloth pads, with a set of different sizes to adapt to your changing menstrual flow. It can get you started on finding out which pads work best for your personal rhythm and routine of using cloth pads, so you can buy more of your favourite sizes afterwards.

It can also make a great gift to welcome girls into adulthood, or for friends to switch to greener periods!

Includes: 2 Pantyliners, 2 Day Pads, 2 Day Pad Plus, 1 Night Pad, 1 Carry Pouch, care instructions/tips and menstrual cycle tracking chart.
Full Cycle Kit - Natural Organic



The Global Organic Textile Standard(GOTS)とは、

●Pad for Pad とは

8 pieces per pack

The “Full Cycle” kit contains what you basically need for your monthly cycle.

It is a great way of discovering the world of washable cloth pads, with a set of different sizes to adapt to your changing menstrual flow. It can get you started on finding out which pads work best for your personal rhythm and routine of using cloth pads, so you can buy more of your favourite sizes afterwards.

It can also make a great gift to welcome girls into adulthood, or for friends to switch to greener periods!

Includes: 2 Pantyliners, 2 Day Pads, 2 Day Pad Plus, 1 Night Pad, 1 Carry Pouch, care instructions/tips and menstrual cycle tracking chart.

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Full Cycle Kit - Natural Organic



The Global Organic Textile Standard(GOTS)とは、

●Pad for Pad とは

8 pieces per pack

The “Full Cycle” kit contains what you basically need for your monthly cycle.

It is a great way of discovering the world of washable cloth pads, with a set of different sizes to adapt to your changing menstrual flow. It can get you started on finding out which pads work best for your personal rhythm and routine of using cloth pads, so you can buy more of your favourite sizes afterwards.

It can also make a great gift to welcome girls into adulthood, or for friends to switch to greener periods!

Includes: 2 Pantyliners, 2 Day Pads, 2 Day Pad Plus, 1 Night Pad, 1 Carry Pouch, care instructions/tips and menstrual cycle tracking chart.
インドの布ナプキンのお店 MAKHANA